The Pipes

Original Tunes

Dr. Neil Whitehead, of the Irvings in New Zealand, has very kindly provided some Scottish pipe tunes for the Clan Irving website and these are now freely available for download.

Neil is Scottish on his mother’s side (Border Irving) and has played the pipes for 50 years, most intensively with pipe bands. His work has been as a research scientist, working for eminent institutions such as the New Zealand Government, United Nations and Japanese Universities, in many fields, mostly related to nuclear radiation. He likes to write pipe tunes, some others of which celebrate New Zealand Irvings and are found on, but he hopes that for the clan website, tunes of the highest quality will be added by other creative enthusiasts and ultimately form a varied and worthy resource. Also the manuscript music for each of the tunes is included in the list in pdf format for those interested to play:

Irving of Bonshaw (the clan)
Bonshaw Tower (the building)
Three Sprigs of Holly (the symbol)
Unbent (the motto)
The Tartan (Irving of Bonshaw)

The Maxwells and the Irvings (the clan struggle)
Colonel Paulus Irving on the Heights of Abraham
Colonel John Beaufin Irving
Sir Robert Beaufin Irving
Captain R.A.S. Irving R.N.(Retd.)

The Irvings of Canada
The Irvings of America
The Irvines of Ireland
The Irvings of Australia
The Irvings of New Zealand
The Irvings of England
The New Irvings
Christopher Irving’s Farewell to the Light Horse at Flodden
Eryvine Fortress
High King Niall

Irving of Bonshaw
Bonshaw Tower
Springs of Holly
Irving of Bonshaw Tartan
The Maxwells and the Irvings
Colonel Paulus Aemilius Irving on the Heights of Abraham
Colonel John Beaufin Irving
Sir Robert Beaufin Irving
Captain R.A.S. Irving RN(Retd.)
The Irvings of Canada
The Irvings of America
The Irvines of Ireland
The Irvings of Australia
The Irvings of New Zealand
The Irvings of England
The New Irvings
Christopher Irving's Farewell to the Light Horse at Flodden
Eryvine Fortress
High King Niall