Welcome to the Home of the Border Irvings & Irvines


Find out about this old Scots Border Clan – its origins, history and territory; and more on the Scottish Border Region and the Reiver Clans.

The Border Irvings & Irvines recognised as a Scottish Clan by Act of Parliament 1587 with its Chiefs descended from William Irving of Bonshaw 1506.

NB: Please note that all historical and genealogical articles on this website are sourced from and referenced through publicly accessible and original archive material by professionally accredited ASGRA researchers.


The Book of the Irvings

This rare book is the definitive guide to the Irving & Irvine Clan researched and authored by Colonel John Beaufin Irving of Bonshaw. The digital edition is now available to purchase and download online, and includes a preface by the present Clan Chief, Rupert Irving of Bonshaw.


The Saltire Gathering, 20th & 21st September 2025, Stirling

Over the weekend of the 20th & 21st September 2025, a new festival of Scotland will launch in Stirling, with the aim to bring together the Scottish Diaspora, particularly those in North America together with those of us fortunate enough to live in Scotland.


Annan The History Town Welcomes You To The Gathering of the Local Clans & Families

Saturday 24th August | The Everholm, Annan

  • Local Clan Chiefs in attendance
  • Pipe Bands • Highland Dancing • Scottish Country Dancing
  • Teviot Steel Bonnets – bringing the Border Reiver experience
  • The Time Bandits • Trade Stands
  • Performances by CLANADONIA – tribal drum and pipe band


The name of ‘Erivine’ or, contracted, ‘Irving’ or ‘Irvine’, is understood by most researchers to come from either the ancient Celtic word ‘Erin-viene’ or ‘Erin-fiene’, which means a ‘true Westland man’