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HIGH resolution file – 590Mb
This is a larger file and therefore higher quality but will take longer to download. The average broadband speed in the UK is 50Mb, we estimate that it will take 5 minutes to download.

LOWER resolution file – 148Mb

This is a smaller file and therefore loses some ‘sharpness’ but is quicker to download.

Download guide

1. Select the version size you prefer and click the DOWNLOAD link

2. This will open another window and load the file. Please be patient it may take a while depending on the speed of your broadband

3. Once the file has completely loaded and you can scroll to the end to page 527, please click the download icon at the top on the right, to download the book to your computer or tablet.

4. Your pdf file should download to either a nominated folder of your choice or to the ‘downloads’ folder, on your computer. If you are unable to locate it after download, you can try searching on your hard drive for: The-Book-of-the-Irvings

On a tablet or other mobile you will need to click the appropriate link or icon to download and then save to the location of your choice.
Example: Save a pdf on your pad or iphone