
In this new section we are setting out those publications by renowned and eminent authors who have written and researched authoritative books on the Border Reivers and their history, and, of course, of the Borders Region itself.

These publications will give you a better understanding and appreciation of the region and of the life lived by our forebears and neighbours at a time of great turbulence.

The Hot Trod
The Hot Trod – A history of the Anglo-Scottish Border
John Sadler

John Sadler, Military Historian and well known writer on the Borders and Border Reivers has produced a new book published in November 2022 by Amberley Books.


The following authors and their publications can be found here


Alistair Moffat - The Reivers – The Story of the Border Reivers
The Reivers – The Story of the Border Reivers
Alistair Moffat

From the early fourteenth century to the end of the sixteenth, the Anglo-Scottish borderlands witnessed one of the most intense periods of warfare and disorder ever seen in modern Europe.

Find it here


Godfrey Watson
The Border Reivers
Godfrey Watson

Re-issued due to popular demand, this book gives a fascinating insight into sixteenth-century Border life.

Find it here


Graham Robb
The Debatable Land
Graham Robb

The Debatable Land was an independent territory which used to exist between Scotland and England. At the height of its notoriety, it was the bloodiest region in Great Britain, fought over by Henry VIII, Elizabeth I and James V.

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George MacDonald Fraser
The Steel Bonnets
George MacDonald Fraser

The Steel Bonnets is a superb work of serious history and scholarship that is as irresistibly compelling as any novel.

Find it here


The Battle of the Flodden
The Battle of Flodden 1513
John Sadler & Rosie Serdiville

The Battle of Flodden in 1513 was the largest battle ever to take place between England and Scotland. A key read for those interested in military history or the period in general.

Find it here


The following authors and publications can be found through the web links as shown:


Border Fury : England and Scotland at War 1296 - 1568
Border Fury : England and Scotland at War 1296 – 1568
John Sadler

Border Fury provides a fascinating account of the period of Anglo-Scottish Border conflict from the Edwardian invasions of 1296 until the Union of the Crowns under James VI of Scotland, James I of England in 1603.

Find it here


The Crucible of Conflict
Crucible of Conflict three centuries of Border War
John Sadler

The borderers – people forged and hardened by endemic warfare over generations, whether by raids and skirmishes or set piece battles – are marked even today as a distinct group. For three savage centuries England and Scotland, both dynamic races, slogged it out upon this arena of nations. Scott might have reinvented the border as a sweep of chivalric romance, but the reality was very different.

Find it here