The link between Irving of Bonshaw and Irvine of Drum
There is a legend that on his flight from the English Court at Westminster, Robert The Bruce and his entourage sought refuge in the Borders of Scotland and on one occasion was taken in by Irving of Bonshaw. During his period of refuge, he was hidden in a cave in cliffs just down the Kirtle Water from Bonshaw Tower and that can still be visited, known as Bruce’s Cave.
In recompense for this act of loyalty, the legend goes on to state that one of the sons of Irving of Bonshaw was taken into Royal Service and over time was eventually rewarded with the grant of land by Royal Charter of the Forest of Drum.
The reality is that it is more likely the second son was taken into Royal Service and not the eldest or any other sibling. In those days, it was common practice for the eldest child to inherit the family estate, titles and funds if any, and the second child had to seek fame and fortune elsewhere. If there were any daughters, these were often married off and hopefully to a rich family.
It is likely this second son worked their way through the various positions within the Royal Household to a achieve a senior position where they came to the attention of the Monarch and his advisors. At that time, the Monarch was looking for loyal and committed servants of the Crown to appoint to strategically important positions and one of those positions at the time happened to be the Forest of Drum. This also included a fortified Tower that was modified over time and eventually became known as Drum Castle.
History tells us that William De Irwyne 1st of Drum, in 1323 was granted by Royal Charter from David II, the Forest of Drum with the barony created 1324. He died in 1333 and it was his successor Thomas De Irwyne 2nd of Drum who succeeded.
The Irvines of Drum are a renowned and respected Scottish Family with a proven lineage. Their present Chief is the excellent Alexander Irvine of Drum 27th Baron.